Who We Are
 Updated on Tuesday, Jan 26, 2021

The primary purpose of NETCACHE is to provide Christian-based adventure, character, and leadership programs. Such programs currently include Trail Life USA and American Heritage Girls. NETCACHE exists to pool together volunteer resources provided by member families to sponsor the opportunities we offer. If you are interested in the opportunities provided by NETCACHE, consider coming to one of our events listed on our event calendar, or contact NETCACHE leadership via email with any questions you might have.

Annual Renewal Process - Existing Members
 Updated on Thursday, Oct 6, 2016

Board member Lewis Oglevie sent out an email earlier this year describing the renewal process for existing NETCACHE users. Since there are still some questions about the process, the relevant sections of the email has been posted here for easy reference.

This online renewal system is designed to notify member families via email 30 days out from their NETCACHE anniversary date that their annual renewal and family fee is due. There will be reminder emails sent 10 and 3 days out, followed by a past due email. Finally, an email notification of membership revocation will be sent on the 15th day past due. If a family`s NETCACHE membership is revoked, the children participating in American Heritage Girls or Trail Life USA will not receive credit for activities until the NETCACHE family membership is current. The NETCACHE renewal emails will explain what is needed.

You are able to pay securely at the NETCACHE website via PayPal, using either PayPal, debit, or credit card. Paying with cash or check is still available. To pay with cash or check you must select this option on the NETCACHE website when reaffirming your membership. You will then need to pay the dues in person to a NETCACHE board member or troop leadership as soon as possible, not to exceed two weeks from your online registration.

Please note that cash or checks cannot be received by anyone until the online renewal process has been completed. Thanks for your participation and understanding! Please direct any comments or questions to any of the NETCACHE board members, Trail Life or American Heritage Girls leaders.

Upcoming Events

NETCACHE sponsored programsTuesday, Feb 11, 2025 @ 7:00 pmCross Church North Richland Hills6955 Boulevard 26, North Richland HillsContact: chair@netcache.orgTrail Life USA chapter and American Heritage Girls event. This is a recurring weekly meeting for the local chapter chartered with NETCACHE. Contact any board member or NETCACHE member for location of the Troops events.

Registration - New Members
 Updated on Friday, Sep 23, 2016

New members will need to talk to one of the Trail Life or American Heritage Girl`s leaders or a NETCACHE board member to initiate a new family member registration. A passcode will be needed to complete the membership application.

Once the membership application has been successfully submitted online, please follow instructions in the emails you will receive from NETCACHE to complete the membership application and payment procedure. Part of the reason for providing this information via emails is to ensure that your family can receive emails from NETCACHE.

For any questions that may arise during the new family membership registration process, see one of the program leaders or a NETCACHE board member. Please remember that the new family member registration is not complete until payment has been received by NETCACHE either by the online PayPal method or indicating online that you will provide cash or check and submitting the payment to a NETCACHE board member in person.

Hope this helps de-mystify the new family member process - thanks for joining the NETCACHE family!